Consultation call:
During the consultation call you you are able to voice your concerns and ask any questions you may have. I will answer all questions and together we will develop a plan that works for you and your family. Connecting with your therapist is an important part of any treatment’s success so this initial conversation will allow us the opportunity to get to know each other before you make the decision to schedule your first appointment.
Prior to your First Appointment (Intake):
Once you’ve scheduled your first appointment (also called the intake) appointment, I will email you confirmation of your appointment as well as several forms that need to be completed prior to the intake appointment. These forms will be sent to you through a HIPPA protected email service.
First appointment:
Once I’ve received your completed paperwork, we will review it together during your intake appointment. I’ll explain the details of the confidentiality, HIPPA, informed consent, payment and cancellation policies.
Your role (parent):
You are an integral part of your child’s treatment and your support is critical to their success. Counseling is typically once weekly for about an hour and your child will have “homework” assigned which helps to reinforce what they are learning in therapy. It’s the work that’s done outside of sessions that will really help with your child’s personal growth and development. This is where you come in. Learning and practicing new skills is hard work and your child will need your support and encouragement to try out the new skills.
Currently, the Anxiety Management Group incorporates two parent sessions as part of the whole group series.
Individual or Group Sessions?
Deciding on individual sessions versus group sessions is unique to the individual and their needs. There are advantages to both but ultimately the decision is best made after evaluating your current situation and needs.
Individual sessions:
· Allow for more time and attention with the therapist to discuss your individual concerns
· Is more private in that it is just you and the therapist which may make you feel more comfortable in sharing sensitive information
· The one on one time fosters the building of a more meaningful therapeutic relationship which has been shown to positively impact the success of treatment
· Since it is just you and the therapist, no one else would know you are in treatment
Group sessions:
· Group therapy allows the opportunity to interact with others who have similar issues which helps you realize that you are not alone. It decreases the sense of isolation that you may have when you are alone in your thoughts
· Help build a feeling of community with others and fosters better communication and social skills as a result. In group, members learn the importance of respect and turn taking while building their listening and empathy skills.
· Gives you the opportunity to hear a different perspective from others and leads to greater learning about oneself.
· Offers a safe, therapeutic, non-judgmental space to share and learn.
· Are usually more cost effective than individual sessions and provide similar benefits.
Types of groups: Closed groups have a start and end date with an assigned number of sessions. All members begin this type of group at the same time and end at the same time.
Open groups allow members to join a group that has already begun and members can leave group at any time. These type of groups can provide support to several issues within the one group.
How long will it take?
Unfortunately, this is not possible to say in a general FAQs page. Everyone’s circumstances are unique to them and the length of time therapy can take to allow you to accomplish your goals depends on your desire for personal development, your commitment, and the factors that are driving you to seek therapy in the first place.
The Anxiety Management and Reduction group is a closed group with 18 sessions in total after the initial intake session.