Anxiety sucks.
Let’s face it, although we may all experience it at one time or another, these feelings can negatively impact our lives and relationships. Anxiety isn’t always easy to identify and can show up in different ways.
- Feeling sad or upset but you don’t know why
- Frequent crying
- Feeling “stuck” emotionally and/or behaviorally
- Easily stressed or overwhelmed
- Oppositional or refusal behavior
- Avoidance of social contact or activities
- Avoidance of school/school activities
- Stomachaches and headaches
- Change in sleeping patterns/trouble sleeping
- Procrastination/Laziness/Stubbornness
- Perfectionism
- Biting nails/twirling hair
Anxiety can lead to feelings of isolation and feeling different from others. These feelings lead to negative thinking and negative self-talk, which magnifies feelings of stress, inadequacies and fears. It’s a vicious cycle but one that can be broken.
Better sleep, nutrition, meditation, yoga, exercise and general self-care practices can help with temporary stressors or anxiety. If feelings of anxiety continue or become more persistent and are disrupting home, school, and/or social life, it may be beneficial to seek counseling with a licensed professional.
Breaking the cycle is key to beginning to feel better.
Research has shown that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one of the most effective treatment modalities in minimizing the symptoms of severe anxiety in children. Treatment is provided through weekly structured and time limited individual or group therapy sessions.